DevLog #3 - Last steps before production

DevLog #3 - Last steps before production

This week we focused on final preparations for what we call production sprint. It’s three week long period of us actually developing our game. We’ve been preparing all this time for this moment.


In past few weeks we went over our main mechanics, we settled on our artstyle we want to go with and pretty much finished preproduction of our little project.

We also did a small prototype of our game that you can try for yourself!

Some of the smaller (in a sense that these changes are not that obvious) things we did this week are mechanics wise:

We adjusted how the ball rolling is handled (microadjustments are not that annoying anymore):


We changed how the ball is hitting enemies (Now it doesn’t fly over the enemie’s head)



You can’t spam the spawn snowballs button anymore and create snowball chaos… (Trust me it used to be really bad)



The snowball size and mass is taken into account when rolling it.

We added grid that handles whether there is snow therefore the snowball can/cannot grow bigger.

And as you could already see, we implemented the interactable snow shader into the prototype.


Form the Art side there is not that much we can share… Most of the things are just research and some more administration. This is just snippet of things we have planned for the upcoming 3 weeks:




We’ve started on some things already for example this lantern asset:

However for other pictures of our assets and art related stuff you will need to wait just a little longer 😊


From next week on, we will jump into production which means, that we start to actually model and texture our assets and our programmers will polish and implement everything into our main project.


SnowFall_Build_Week4_prototype.rar 17 MB
Mar 09, 2021

Get The Last Snowfall

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